The remuneration system for civil servants is based on the principles of transparency and fairness, ensuring equal pay for equal work. According to the Law of Georgia on Remuneration In Public Institutions, every position in the civil service is assigned coefficient based on its responsibilities. These coefficients are used to calculate official salaries by multiplying the basic salary by the corresponding coefficient assigned to the position.
The law regulates various aspects of remuneration for individuals employed in public institutions, including those working under administrative and labor agreements, and interns. It also specifies conditions for part-time work, night shifts, work on days off and holidays, tasks performed in hazardous conditions, and temporarily assigned functions. Additionally, the law outlines procedures for calculating salaries and increments based on position ranking and relevant coefficients.
Remuneration of the civil servant includes official salary, class-based increment, salary increment, diplomatic rank increment, and monetary reward.
Official salary: monthly pay determined for a post or position in a public institution. It is approved through a staff list or specified in an agreement. The salary is calculated by multiplying the basic official salary by the position’s coefficient, as defined by the law, and is included in the staff list of a public institution.
Salary increment: A salary increment is an additional payment for overtime work, extra functions, or work during night hours, days off, holidays, or in hazardous conditions.
A one-time increment shall exceed the amount of one month's official salary for the respective position. Total increments within a year shall not exceed 20% of the annual official salary. Salary increments and monetary rewards are not granted to interns, state political officials, or political officials.
Class-based increment: Civil servants receive a class-based increment based on their class, which is awarded based on performance evaluation results. The procedure for class-based increments is governed by the Law of Georgia on Remuneration in Public Institutions.
Diplomatic rank increment: An increment established for diplomatic rank defined by the Law of Georgia on Diplomatic Service.
Monetary reward: Monetary reward serves as a motivational tool awarded based on the results of performance evaluation in accordance with the Law of Georgia on Public Service. For individuals employed in public institutions (excluding civil servants), it may be granted for excellent and exemplary performance of assigned functions, long and faithful service, and/or for the completion of tasks of special complexity and importance.
The total monetary rewards received by an individual in a public institution within a year shall not exceed 10 % of the annual official salary for their position. Interns, state political officials, and political officials are not eligible to receive monetary rewards.