
Rights and Guarantees of Civil Servants

HR Management

Civil servants are entitled to a safe working environment equipped with the necessary organizational and technical resources to fulfill their duties. Public institutions are responsible for providing such conditions and ensuring equal and fair treatment in human resource management, career development, remuneration, and legal protection.


To guarantee fairness, public institutions shall take measures to prevent workplace discrimination and uphold the principle of equal treatment for all employees. These measures include integrating provisions prohibiting discrimination into internal regulations and other official documents and ensuring their effective implementation.


Civil servants have the right to fair and appropriate working conditions, including safe workplaces, relevant remuneration, and overtime pay. They can also work part-time under circumstances defined by law, participate in career development programs, and exercise their legal right to leave. Rest periods and days off are regulated by the organic law of Georgia, "Labor Code of Georgia," ensuring dignified and safe employment.


Civil servants have the right to form or join professional unions, be elected to union governing bodies, and participate in union activities without salary during their free time.


Civil servants perform their duties in compliance with the principle of political neutrality, refraining from political activities during working hours to maintain impartiality in public service. In addition, civil servants are expected to adhere to the principles of transparency, openness, and efficiency in their duties. They are obligated to safeguard confidential information while performing their roles responsibly. A civil servant has the right to refuse to execute an order if it:

  • contradicts Georgian law;
  • exceeds the authority of the issuer;
  • requires skills beyond their competence;
  • poses health risks;
  • targets their family members or close relatives defined by the Law of Georgia on Fighting against Corruption
  • results in the commission of a crime or administrative offense.