Human Resource Management
The Law of Georgia on Public Service defines and regulates the primary directions of human resources management in civil service.
The law stipulates that every public institution establish a human resources management unit, which may either function as an independent structural unit or be represented by a civil servant responsible for human resources management.
Under the law, these units participate in the development of the institution's strategic development plan. Based on this plan, they formulate a human resources management strategy, draft a corresponding action plan, and oversee the implementation of the activities outlined in it. The Civil Service Bureau cooperates with the relevant units of public institutions on human resources management matters and provides methodological assistance.
The primary responsibilities of the Civil Service Bureau involve implementing human resources management policies, establishing uniform standards, and monitoring and coordinating related activities across public institutions. Additionally, the Bureau supports public institutions and their employees by developing recommendations and guidelines, organizing training sessions, and conducting consultation meetings. These efforts aim to promote active involvement of civil servants in the reform process and ensure the efficient operation of the system.
To develop the human resources management system, the Bureau undertakes the following activities:
- Based on the study and analysis of the current situation in civil service, the Bureau promotes the standardization and unification of human resources management processes, the adoption of data-based strategic human resources practices, and the digitalization of human resources management.
- The Bureau ensures the development and management of electronic infrastructure for human resources management, studies innovations in the field, identifies opportunities for system improvement, and develops relevant documentation.
- The Bureau offers assistance and consultations to public institutions, civil servants, and citizens on employment in civil service and human resources management processes, as well as develops recommendations, tools, and instructions.
- The Bureau promotes the planning and implementation of human capital development policies, the adoption of strategic human resources management, workforce planning and forecasting practices, and the strengthening of public institutions’ capacities in these areas.
- The Bureau creates infrastructure, methodologies, and tools to enhance data-based decision-making, human resource analytics, data collection and analysis database management, and organizational research practices.
- The Bureau ensures the implementation of a needs-based professional development system in civil service, incorporating formal and informal teaching methods. It also assesses the effectiveness of training programs and increases access to professional development opportunities for civil servants through a unified electronic system.