
About the Bureau

The Civil Service Bureau is an agency that coordinates civil service reform. In this regard, the Bureau operates to improve organizational arrangements, standardization, and the development of human resources systems in civil service.

To strengthen the civil service in Georgia, the Bureau analyzes and adjusts the standards of human resources systems in the civil service, evaluates the current situation to ensure compliance with legal norms, and enhances the expertise of civil servants. Additionally, to improve the organizational structure of public institutions, the Bureau establishes principles of organizational arrangement and performs compliance analysis of structures and functions of public institutions.

By evaluating the current state of the civil service, analyzing statistical data, and considering best international practices, the Bureau develops action standards, provides recommendations, and offers methodological assistance to public institutions to help them meet the standards effectively.

The mission of the Civil Service Bureau is to promote a development-oriented, professional, integrity-driven, and justice based civil service system, and to ensure the independent, proper, and legal functioning of state institutions, thereby positioning Georgia’s civil service as exemplary.